Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Death of Political Discourse

Faithful readers,

    This post is not about my adventures in Washington. More it is a way to express my anger and rage over the lack of political discourse happening these days. Maybe it's the fact that, as our capital, Washington is a very politically charged atmosphere, or maybe it's the company I keep. Regardless of which reason, I will relate to you a small, possibly meaningless event that sent me over the edge this very evening.

     We had just finished class with our professor, and a speaker who came to discuss refugees, mainly using Iraq as an example. At the end of class, the speaker had shown a video her organization had put together about Palestinians living in Iraq, and trying to flee the chaos and destruction happening there during the earlier years of the Iraq war. Regardless of the video's visual content, it was a very politically charged video, leaning far to the left. I had just sat through 1 1/2 hours of conservative bashing and then this video. That sets the stage for this short but volatile encounter.

     One of my compatriots from JMU, who leans more to the left, was making a comment about the video and I chimed in with just this: "I think that video was bordering on propaganda". I was not making a comment on the people in the video, nor was I trying to make light of their terrible situation, I was just commenting on the video. This girl explodes at me saying she couldn't believe how I was insulting these people and that it was a very serious matter and people were dying, etc. etc. 

     And I broke. I'm done arguing with people like that. So from now on, I'm keeping my opinion to myself in any non-academic social situations. People get so pissed off. She was yelling and angry, and I couldn't even explain my opinion. So if she is reading this. I'm not going to argue any more. Say what you will, I'm done. When people are ready to have serious political discourse and debate, let me know. These kind of childish outbursts are the kind of thing killing Washington, and I won't be a party to them.

     And this problem is prevalent throughout the capital. Lets look at the AIG bonuses for a minute. Regardless of whether it was taxpayer money or not, these were contracted bonuses. The company was contractually obligated to pay the amounts of money to those who did whatever job the contracts specified. And once they had been paid, the House goes on a witch hunt after those executives who received bonus money. Where is the rule of law in all this? America is a country where contracts may as well be printed onto steel, because we have laws to protect both sides in the event of some kind of injury. The minute we throw these principles out the door, we can say goodbye to the United States as it was. Even 90 republicans voted to tax the bonuses at 90%, filth. Stick by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, because if we lose anything from either of those founding documents, our country is doomed to collapse into the scrap heap of history. I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN.

Washington: Clean up. Far too long have principles been abandoned to the closet. Dust them off and wear them on your shoulder proudly. I do, and I receive very little support because of it. It's time to set aside this "bipartisan" talk that has been bandied about Washington. I'm a conservative, and if someone would like to challenge my beliefs on a professional level, I welcome all takers. Anyone with childish outbursts can walk away, I will not discuss with you, it is not worth my time.

   I wish you all a good evening,


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